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International Trade and Legal advice

Import with us and access the best opportunities around the world, in excellent tax, fiscal and financial conditions ...

International Representation

We represent your company with suppliers, financial institutions and tax authorities around the world...

Logistic and Distribution Center

We perform logistics planning to bring your goods quickly, safely and in the best conditions of custom clearance and taxes...

ANVISA Registration

We have expertise for planning regulatory strategies and risk management, aiming the status of compliance...

Custom Clearance

We guide your company in all international trade procedures, quotations from abroad to contracts and trade agreements ...

Global Sourcing

We have suppliers in countries and competitive regions such as China, Turkey, India and Eastern Europe...


Overcoming national barriers

Overcoming national barries

Although essential, imports suffer limitations in many developing countries. This is the case of Brazil, whose government explains this attitude as a protectionist measure to the domestic industry. Thus, barriers are imposed orders for goods and services. Importers need to know these barriers and deal with them, a situation that demands professional advice.

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mercado Internacional

International market: good news for importers

Tracking Brazilian political scene can be tricky. The twists cause uncertainty and apprehension, creating hesitation and even shrinkage of the market. The good news is that it does not happen to follow the international market. The external economy undergoes improvements, creating excellent business opportunities for importers.

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A man holding an umbrella watches large waves on the Marina beach as a cargo ship passes in Tamil Nadu December 30, 2011. REUTERS/Babu/Files

Mapping the risks of imports

Imports may be the best solution for the productivity of your company but need to be undertaken with caution and professional monitoring. Otherwise, they can generate delay, damage and even loss. When operating, the importer is subject to several risks. Knowing these risks is important to understand the importance of professional advice.

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Import of drugs and chemicals logistics

Importation of drugs and chemicals is a delicate process that involves not only a contact with a supplier in another country, but a number of special features, such as strict controls and inspections of various organs, as well as compliance with legal requirements. That's why we carry out operations on its own...

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The quality value import

The importance of expertise to import

Even advantageous, imports are subject to various types of risks. Many of these risks are related to the quality of advice, service indispensable in imports. To operate safely, the importer must choose one advice with adequate quality. The quality of advice is a major determinant of success in the international market.

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Importações e desenvolvimento

Imports and development

Imports are still one of the main requirements of competitiveness. The lesson is as true for countries as for companies. In the present context, the trade may be important to change the time of the country. Imports can mean the difference between a stagnant economy and other productive and highlighted, ready for development. Imports allow access technology...

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More advice on imports

You may already know other commercial importers or trading companies, but is still looking for a solution to elevate your business to another level, with better operating results, greater economy, more assistance and gain time. For this, your company will need aid. What is differentiating AMARAL & CIA is precisely the full assistance in all

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Global partners

More of our values...

Customer First: We are driven by customers. Our entire company is dedicated to create the best solutions and deliver the best experience for our customers. We have a permanent commitment to our client.”

Honesty: We are a honest company, ethics and is proud of what we do. We are responsible and adopt the best business practices with respect to our customers, partners and employees. We act with transparency and accountability.”

Focus and Execution: We are focused on results. Only we content ourselves when we reach our goals and when our results are better than expected. For this, we plan and perform with excellence and agility, while focusing on our priorities and constantly measuring what we do.”

"Human Development: We work within a simple organization to gain agility and promote the human development of our employees. We value and prepare our employees in a vibrant working environment, respect, trust and teamwork. "

"Austerity: We are austere and permanently control our costs and expenses. We always try to do more with less. We invest continuously to improve the experience of our customers and to bring the best return for our business. "

Optimism: We have the belief that constant optimism always bear fruit. There are challenges we can not overcome when we work together, with clear objectives and knowledge of resources. We encourage the pragmatic attitudes and give freedom to create, innovate and transform. "